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Family Photo
My Family

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 2 ~Garage Sale Over

 Nothing new going on except finished up our garage sale this morning, not bad for a couple hours of work as Tara put it.  Kris and I were ready to just load up the leftovers and donate it, he decided to ask her first~good thing!!  She decided now that we were going to have another one in the Spring~so Kris and I packed up stuff in boxes and put he is gonna put in his attic for the next one~ don't think he was too happy about that part.  This gives us an opportunity to clean out our house and make a little spending money. 

Tonight is a big Fight night and we are having the kids over to watch it, then after the fight we are keeping the babies overnight.  Yes, I said babies...Aiden and Ethan both.  This should be an interesting night~morning.  I am just happy that Mike is home to help me. Will give an update in the morning to let you know how it all went.